Yoga Teacher Training Course

The yoga teacher training program is an exclusive course designed for the participants to learn the art and science of yoga. This program will give learning opportunities to the students to gain in-depth knowledge of yoga.
The aspirants who wish to learn the essence of yoga, from its fundamental to its spiritual aim, will find the yoga teacher training program a stepping stone to their spiritual journey.

This yoga teacher training program is suitable for those who want to experience yoga practices and methodologies to guide others. A yoga teacher will find this course to broaden and expand their learnings and deepen their knowledge so they can become guiding lights to thousands ofpeople suffering in this world.

After the course, a person becomes a proficient yoga teacher who can guide others who want to learn about yoga and its tools and techniques.

Join the 200 hours of yoga teacher training, take a deep dive into this journey, and experience this ancient knowledge and wisdom of yoga under the supervision of a yoga master.

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Course Content:

  • Yoga; history and Philosophy
  • Eight Limbs of Yoga (Patanjali Yoga Sutras)
  • Four Paths of Yoga (Bhagavad Gita)
  • Hatha Yoga
  • Asanas and its science
  • Sun Salutation
  • Pranayamas(Breathing Techniques)
  • Mudra (Yogic Gesture)
  • Bandha (Physical and Psychic Lock)
  • ShatKarma (Yogic Detox)
  • Pratyahara and Internalisation
  • Deep Relaxation-Yoga Nidra
  • Meditation and Concentration
  • Mantra Chanting (Chanting of powerful Sanskrit words/sounds)
  • Understanding of Body and its systems
  • **This content is for general reference; slight changes might occur depending on the students' learning progress.

    Duration: 200 hours
    Course Fees: INR 46000
    Duration: 500 hours
    Course Fees: INR 75000
    **Seats are limited; we keep space for the people who pay first.
    **Fees paid are strictly non-refundable.
    Venue: Online and Offline(Hybrid mode)

    Venue for Offline Classes:

    For Delhi
    Yoga Clinic Studio
    B-8/6010 Vasant Kunj, Opposite GD Goenka School, New Delhi

    For Gurgaon
    Anandabodh Yoga Studio
    D-46, Basement Yoga Hall, Mayfield Gardens, Near Lotus Valley International School, Sector-50, Gurgaon

Course Facilitators:

Rupesh Ranjan(Sn.Yajnavalkya)

Rupesh Ranjan(Sn.Yajnavalkya) is a Karma Sanyasi, initiated by his guru Swami NiranjananandaSaraswati, NivrittaParamacharya Bihar School of Yoga.

He has 11 years of vast experience of teaching Yoga and Meditation todifferent age group people. He has deep expertise in teaching Asanas, Pranayama and Meditation techniques.

He is expert in counselling, motivating and driving the participants towards leading a better lifestyle and promoting wellness. He has been conducting several camps and workshops to promote yoga as a remedy for different health issues in the modern world. He is able to easily and effectively balance the spiritual and physical aspects of Yoga at one time.

Master Shivachittam

Master Shivachittam is an experienced Yoga and meditation expert, a spiritual healer, psychotherapist, as well as a holistic wellness and health coach with a 20-year track record of providing a sure and gentle healing touch to tens of thousands of people across India and the world.

A Yoga practitioner since early childhood, Shivachittam formally learned the rigorous practices of Yoga in his youth from the well-known Bihar School of Yoga in Bihar under the guidance of his Guru Swami NiranjananandaSaraswati. After flirting with ascetism in his early youth, he decided to dedicate his life to healing others. While at the ashram, he commenced his ongoing personal journey on how to live and think like a yogi while being an energetic part of making this world a better place.

A voracious seeker of knowledge, he subsequently gained professional degrees in psychotherapy and counselling, business administration, journalism and mass communication, and the Sciences. He is also a naturopath and certified yoga professional by the Quality Council of India as well as the Ministry of AYUSH, Government of India. A long-established user of homeopathy, Shivachittam often applies this healing to common ailments.

Shivachittam founded (loosely translated, Attaining Bliss) in 2002 to enable people take firm charge of their mental and emotional health, and hence their happiness, all of which are under severe strain in these post-industrial times of rapid change driven by all-pervasive commerce. Stressed or broken relationships at home and work, and ill-health due to poor diet and eating out are key symptoms of the pace of this modern world in our large cities and increasingly in our towns and villages.

Shivachittam has proven that his unique brand of slow, meditative and conscious Yoga practices, combined with personal guidance for specific health problems no matter how chronic, enable individuals regain their health and reach levels of contentment that they never previously enjoyed.

Shivachittam has deep expertise in therapeutic yoga and has conducted over 30,000 private therapy sessions and consultations for his students. He has helped heal over 1,000 people with spinal issues including slipped disc, sciatica, back pain and cervical spondylitis.

Shivachittam has helped empower the lives of thousands of employees of more than 30 big corporations of India including NTPC, NHPC, Indian Oil Corporation, Cairn Energy, Sentiss Pharma, Glaxo Smith Kline, American Embassy, Taj Hotels, Territorial Army and International Management Institute. Over the course of his commitment to engendering holistic health in people at large, Shivachittam has conducted 300+ stress management workshops, healthy living programs, and Yoga and meditation sessions for these corporations including their Chairmen, Directors and many senior executives.

He has also helped leading sportspersons, industrialists, billionaires, bureaucrats and movie stars transition to a purer, cleaner, and spiritually richer life. He extends his concern to all sections of society through Kids Yoga and Pregnancy Yoga and a host of other health management programs. He also conducts Therapy Yoga Teachers Training courses for International Yoga Teachers.

Please visit for more details and for connecting with Shivachittam. Visit for hundreds of videos on Yoga and meditation. Shivachittam has also written multiple easy-to-read and follow books on various aspects of health and healing, which are all available on the website.

What People Say About Us


I completed my 200 Hour Yoga TTC program under the guidance of Master Shivachittam recently. I would like to express my gratitude to sir for putting in so much effort for helping us understand the yoga history, philosophy and methodologies. Each class was a gem as he explained the various aspects of yoga. Coming from a background of energy healing, I had many experiences which i could not explain logically. With the help of Master Shivachittam and various study content from Satyanand tradition I could quench my thirst for knowledge. Through his disciplined way of teaching he also inspires to be the best in this field. If you are looking for genuine yoga knowledge then look no further because he is definitely the best. Hariom.

All the best.

Sandhya Sabharwal (Gurgaon)

Sandhya Sabharwal (Gurgaon)

Shraddha Gupta

The 200-hour Teacher Training Course is well-planned and detailed. I appreciated every theory topic we covered, as well as the practical classes. I have learned so much, gaining knowledge not just about yoga but also life-long learnings. This TTC course is very organized, holistic, and highly relevant to our current day-to-day lives. I highly recommend it to anyone seeking certification with authentic knowledge. Thank you so much, sir!

Renu Parihar (Gurgaon)

Renu Parihar (Gurgaon)

Shraddha Gupta

I recently completed the 200-hour Yoga Teacher Training Course at Anandabodh Institute of Yoga, and it was truly an incredible experience. Shivachittam Sir is deeply dedicated to teaching, and his extensive knowledge of yoga and related disciplines is remarkable. 

Before joining the course, I had a limited understanding of yoga; to me, it was mostly about bending into certain postures or just another form of exercise. However, through this course, I’ve come to understand the true essence of yoga—its philosophy, depth, and how it extends far beyond the physical practice. This training has not only enhanced my knowledge but also transformed my perception of yoga as a holistic and lifelong practice.

I highly recommend this course to anyone serious about learning authentic yoga and deepening their understanding. The experience has been nothing short of life-changing.

Rashmi (Gurgaon)

Rashmi (Gurgaon)

Shraddha Gupta

I was beginner in Yoga, I have joined the 200hrs Yoga TTC Course for improving my understanding of Yoga and it's different techniques. I was also quite interested in the overview of the different tools used and how it's applied.

My expectations were met indeed. Both Shivachittam Sir and Rupesh Sir have quite a lot experience and discipline in terms of Yoga knowledge and understanding.

In terms of Yoga asana practices, different variety of asana's were included from intial to advance stages both by Rupesh Sir and Shivachittam sir. For the meditative practices, Shivachittam sir have quite a lot experience, and that is also reflected in the meditative classes, where his calm demeanour and clarity of instructions can be easily felt.

Now, in case of the theory classes, they were quite explicit and course content covers large amount of topics, various philosophical and practical topics were discussed during the theory classes, from history of yoga to its significance in today's life.

In terms of my personal growth, my flexibility and sitting capacity increased in large amount, my ability to relax and clear mind increase highly, while also learning multiple Mantras. I also learned a great deal amount of qualities and where I can improve further through continuous feedback from both teachers from time to time.

Overall the course is quite good in terms of its content and the teaching methods but everyone expectations might be different, so it might be not for everyone. From a beginner's perspective, theory and its practical implementation by both teachers were quite good. 

Thank You

Vipin Malik (Gurgaon)

Shraddha Gupta

I did a 200 hour Yoga Teacher Training Program from Anandbodha Yoga. My aim of joining the course was to know more about yoga, in it's depth. I didn't know what more to expect.

We had daily sessions rotating alternately between yoga and meditation and extended theory sessions over weekend. 

The best part was the course could be done remotely since I do not live in Gurugram.

I am glad I did this course and especially from Anandbodha because the aim of this institute is to make yoga grow and reach every person's life. It's not monetary or commercial. When a noble vision is attached to an initiative, it is bound to be good.

The very first lesson was that you are good wherever you are in your asanas. You do not need to exert too much and feel drained. The key is to be consistent. The way yoga asanas are practiced at Anandbodha is very unique. We practiced asanas for almost an entire hour without feeling drained. The dynamic movements coupled with quick relaxation are quite energizing. You look forward towards next class rather than dreading it.

We not only practiced complete yoga including asanas, pranayamas, mudras, bandhas, yoga nidra, meditation including Antar Mouna and Ajapa Japa, Om Chanting, Maha Mrityunjaya Mantra Chanting but also learnt about all these in details which gives one an insight on what happens when something is performed and empowering you with the ability to frame something exclusively for yourself.

Never knew Yoga has so many components and doing them in several combinations interchangeably never made yoga monotonous.

We also learnt Shatkarma practices including Jal Neti, Kunjal, Shankhprakshalan, Tratak. They sound hard but are not. You only need to practice once. Knowing the techniques and benefits you can help yourself and others in management of various ailments.

We gradually learnt an ideal routine to follow including early sleeping, starting day with mantra chanting, nasyam, oil pulling, sleeping with a quick review of the day. We also learnt about Diet and Nutrition. It might take a little while to get used to it all but you definitely see the difference once you are able to incorporate this in your lifestyle.

The teachings are very extensive, teachers at Anadbodha are very knowledgeable  and working for a greater cause. Class timings might fell short but you can't get enough of teachings they incorporate in every class.

I have lot of gratitude for Shivachittam Sir and Rupesh Sir for hosting this great platform where one can learn 'How to Live'. I would recommend this course from Anandbodha to everyone whether one wants to become a yoga teacher or not. We have the potential to achieve so much only if we know how to manage ourselves. This course in my opinion is bound to bring the best in oneself in any field one might be working.

We learn how to manage ourselves very well with this course. We should get this training from childhood but it's never too late. It is fun and not at all boring as it might appear. Within this 4 months period we can intent and aim to be a better version of ourselves. The results vary based on intention, efforts and consistency but results are for sure.

Amaze yourself and Inspire Others with this journey.

Richa Jain, Meerut (U.P.)

Shraddha Gupta

I have completed my 200 hours Yoga TTC course from Anandbodh yoga Institute.This course is absolutely amazing, completed in  4 months. The syllabus is designed by knowledgeable and experienced teachers of the Institute.

My life has been fully changed after completing this yoga course. This course influenced my personality on physical, mental, emotional and spiritual level. It is holistic course of yoga .

We can complete this course by offline or online. I have taken online classes for the first time in my life and I have found similar attention on both offline and online mode. We can complete this course from any part of the country or the world.

Teachers are very knowledgeable and experienced. They know the right method of teaching. Each and every concept got cleared by giving examples. I am fully impressed by their teaching methods. There are regular classes which makes our body flexible and active. Meditation is very important part of this syllabus which works on our mind. If mind will healthy and fit then whole body will be functioning properly. It also open and activate psychic channels in our body. Many practices like Shankhprakchhal-an, Jalneti and Kunjal seems very tough but all these practices done very easily because instructions are very clear.

I am feeling very excited because I am working with more knowledge. Right knowledge makes us more aware to do the work.

I am highly thankful to Shivchittam sir and Rupesh sir. Both works with great effort to completing this course. I have practiced holistic yoga which includes Asanas, Pranayam, Mudras,Bandhas, Shatkarma, Relaxation and meditation.

During this course whole day I feel very energetic and active. Mantra chanting is also very important part of this course which is very effective on our mind.

I will suggest everyone to do yoga course from Anandbodh Institute to become knowledgeable yoga teacher. Right knowledge devlope our confidence and personality also. I am hesitating to talk in group but after completing this course all hesitation gone away. Today I am speaking with great confidence.

Thank you            

Vibha Ojha (Delhi)

Shraddha Gupta

I count myself blessed that I did my Meditation Teacher Training Course from Anandabodh Yoga School. Shivachittam Sir is truly the fountain of knowledge and bliss and every class with him was fascinating and full of value. We learnt the practice and theory of Meditation in the style of prestigious Bihar Yoga/Satyananda Yoga tradition. Personally, I feel more connected to my inner self and to everything around me. Before enrolling in this course, I used to practice meditation as a way to relax myself, to calm myself and feel happy in general. This course made me aware of the truly transforming abilities that Meditation has, how it helps us to connect to our higher power and access the wisdom and strength of this higher power to guide us through life. Yoga and Meditation are indeed a way of life and I had read about this before countless times, this course gave me tools and insights to fully embrace this lifestyle. Right from the moment I wake up to the moment I sleep, and beyond that as well. As a teacher, I feel more confident because of the vast knowledge imparted to me in a very structured and organised way. The course covered the very basic aspect of Meditation to the very advance one. As Meditation Teachers, it is our responsibility to give students what they come seeking - be it Mental peace, improving their focus, overcoming social anxiety, and so on. This course will help you deliver on that. Thank you.

Shraddha Deepak (Gurgaon)

Shraddha Gupta

Hari OM
My meditation teacher training course was an incredible and enriching journey. Shivchintan Sir is a veritable fountain of knowledge. All the lessons and exercises taught by him such as Pranayam, the Chakra studies, Yog Mudra, Antarmaun, Ajapajap, Bandh and other Mudras were explained in minute detail and immense clarity. He makes the difficult to grasp concepts clear with his detailed reasoning and demonstrations with utmost patience and a rare gift of vision. I have been practicing Yoga for over 10 years but the past three months have been a unique experience for me due to the teachings imparted by him. The ability to feel light as well as attaining and maintaining a state of 'Sam bhav' - equanimity in adverse circumstances comes with great toil and determination. He has however, made me feel fairly adept at entering and remaining in that extraordinary, rewarding state. I shall forever be grateful and indebted to him for allowing me this great honour and an opportunity to learn under his tutelage.

Anjali Aggarwal (Delhi)

Shraddha Gupta

Shivachittam ji, is an excellent teacher in all respects. His words speak of his depth of knowledge and his commitment to the field of Yoga. I did not had to doubt or double check any of his words as inside me I felt he cannot be wrong. It appears to me he lives and breathes yoga which is very evident in his way of teaching and sharing his knowledge. It is very rare that good teachers in the field of yoga are also willing to share their knowledge and experience. Meditation TTC was a very good experience for me to get an in-depth idea of the meditation techniques and their purposes. In the course we not only touched upon meditation but also pranayama and Bandhas as it contributes significantly to meditation. The course covers practical as well theory lessons. Candidates also conduct meditation sessions without any written script in front of them, which is very helpful and I gained a lot of confidence in my speech and delivery of meditation classes. All in all it was a deep learning experience for me as we touched upon many topics, did in-depth study of chakras. Class session also involve sharing our experiences in meditation which was important to understand the journey forward. A big ThankYou for Shivachittam ji for time and commitment in sharing his knowledge and experience with his students.

Neha Doorwar (London, UK)

Shraddha Gupta

I have been learning and practising yoga, specifically the therapeutic, gentle, Bihar School of Yoga, under Master Shivachittam since my early 30s. Now 54, a mother of 5, I can truly say it is his gentle guidance, his wisdom, and his deep understanding of the body, mind and the psyche that has set me free. Now a poet, writer and activist and always a part time yoga teacher ( I undertook the Yoga teacher training under him), I teach Menopause Yoga, and other forms of therapeutic yoga in one on one or group settings. I can thoroughly vouch for his knowledge and style of teaching; I embraced yoga and yoga embraced me back, and has set me free to create, live in joy and bliss, and I would urge you to experience his classes and teacher trainings too!

Jhilmil Breckenridge (GOA)

Shraddha Gupta

Hari om
Good morning everyone!
Today I am going to share about my Yoga journey. Recently I have completed my Yoga TTC from Anandabodh Institute of Yoga, Gurugram. The founder of the institute is Mr. Shivachittam Sir. He is a very experienced and professional Yoga Teacher. He is a great personality and a true passion for teaching and inspire others. They empower students with an amazing positive attitude. They follow the prestigious Bihar School of Yoga tradition in their teachings. It is a Holistic-integrated school of Yoga.
I learnt Yoga in its wholesome form, not only some Asanas and Pranayama, but a lot of other components of yoga, it's truly a self realization for me. It has totally change my life. I gained a beautiful harmony between head, heart and hand through the practices we learnt during the course. It's a very amazing journey and a greatful experience with Sir. This is not just a course but it teaches us to be self dependent and how to present ourselves in the professional journey of yoga.
Anandabodh Institute of Yoga has a top class facility related to yoga.
If any of you want to do the teacher training course then this is a highly recommended place to start your yoga journey!

Suman Sharma (Gurgaon)

Shraddha Gupta

I did the 200 hours Yoga TTC at Anandabodh, and to say the least, it was a transformative experience. Coming from a corporate background and having done yoga only at gym, I started with a very limited understanding of yoga. What followed were 4 months of understanding yoga in its entirety, consistent practice and finishing with a holistic perspective. At the end of the course, not only did my understanding evolve to a different level but also, there was an upliftment in my lifestyle. All credits to the wonderful teacher who facilitated the training so well. Shivachittam sir is the best person in the field to learn from. His knowledge and wisdom shone throughout the course. I am grateful that I could get guidance from him so early on in my yoga journey.

Charu (Gurgaon)

Shraddha Gupta

My experience of the Teacher Training Course with Anandabodh
I was always keen on learning yoga in its purist form. I had followed a certain Yoga group for over ten years and I thought I knew quite a bit. I had even taken Sessions in the past but I knew my knowledge was haphazard and limited.
I feel so blessed to have found Anandabodh school and Shivachitam as the teacher. I came and asked 100s of questions before starting as I was so skeptical about who I will invest my time and money with! I started after being convinced that I’ve met the right teacher. As the classes began , I started to learn about Yoga as it is! It was beautiful to learn from someone who has profound knowledge of the subject and has been trained from the best insititude. I’m grateful for what all I’ve learned and I cannot wait to pass my new found learnings with the world.
Highly recommend it to anyone who wants to learn from the best!

Sonia Sharma

Shraddha Gupta

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