Meditation Program to Improve Mental- Emotional Health
Manage issues such as Anxiety, Panic Attacks, Sleep problems, Stress issues and Depression through Empowering Meditation
Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday
6.30-7.30 am IST
Fees : 4500 INR / month for India
149 USD / month for Outside India
What all you learn and manage:
- How to manage issues like Anxiety, Panic attacks, Sleep issues Stress, and Depression
-Explore and understand your mind to manage all your mental-emotional issues.
- Discover hacks to master your emotions
-Don't be slave of your mind and emotions, learn to manage anger and impulses.
- How to overcome trauma and pains of your life
-Suppressing is never a solution, learn how to manage it through the spiritual practices and heal and transcend them completely
- Learn to quieten the mind and experience peace and bliss
- This is the ultimate desire of everyone to attain peace and bliss, but how, learn some simple and unique techniques
- Discover and have instant clarity of your life goals
- Visualize and shape up your life goals with immense clarity and get instant results
- Learn easy tools to increase focus, concentration and memory power
- Mind is a super computer, and an extraordinary tool, make it strong and powerful to achieve higher success.
- Why 8 hours of sleep requirements is a wrong belief
- Once you have a better sleep quality, need less sleep hours and can work at maximum potential
- Simple hacks to awaken spirituality
-connect with inner self to attain peace and bliss in life.
Key features
- Regular assessment and monitoring
- Daily assignments
- Individual guidance
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