Corporate yoga program helps experience happiness at work place, guides in different health problems, improves concentration, awareness and vitality.
The program guides in preventing and managing eyes, neck, shoulder and back problems. It improves sitting postures, helps in vitalizing the body, and enhances awareness and concentration level which leads towards health of an individual and eventually the overall organizational health.
Corporate yoga allows the participants to personally intervene reversing the vicious cycle of stress and anxiety into virtuous cycles of happiness, health and peace.
It has been found that participants experience innumerable benefit at all the level of the body, mind and emotion. It helps people in maintaining better health by managing diseases of the physical body as well as mental body. People notice a great increase in physical energy and become mentally and emotionally refreshed with much greater self-awareness.
Moreover, these corporate workshops also nurture oneness in the workplace, improves inter-personal and intra-personal relationships, and it transforms the mind into a driving force of change. It would be of great benefit for all the participants and eventually for the organization.
Benefits to Corporates
- Improvement in qualities like adaptability, team spirit, fighting spirit
- satisfaction, leadership, etc.
- Improvements in analytical and mathematical skills, memory, concentration
- understanding and neuromuscular coordination
- Improving the behavior at workplace, improving attitude
- Reduces the attrition rate
- Enhances learning ability
- Productivity – Increased efficiency, reduced absenteeism
- Reduced costs – reduced medical expenses, hospitalization expenses
- 1 day program
- 3 day program
Unless someone is willing to change, you can't do much except praying for the person !
- Master Shivachittam ( Founder & CEO )