About Founder

The Founder & CEO of Anandabodh
I am Shivachittam, a Yoga and Meditation Expert, Spiritual Healer, Spirituo - Psychotherapist, Author, and a Health Coach. In 2002, I founded Anandabodh with a vision to make people healthy and happy. Maintaining their work-life balance helps people manage their work stress, personal life tension, and issues, healing with therapeutic yoga, and improving mental and emotional health with yoga. I have followers across the globe.
At Anandabodh Yoga we believe in connecting the body, mind, and soul to lead a healthy and happy life with a balance of personal and professional life. We have Yoga, Satyananda Yoga, Corporate Yoga, Naturopathy, Spirituo – Psychotherapy, Healing, and Organizing Spiritual and Ayurveda Retreats. There is always a place for you at Anadabodh to explore yourself and experience inner peace and bliss as we offer various programs that have helped thousands of people heal their issues and get transformed.

I am a Karma Sanyasi initiated by my Guru Swami Niranjanananda Saraswati. I started learning and practicing Yoga from my early childhood. Since 2002 through Yoga, Spirituo-Psychotherapy, Therapeutic Yoga, and Healing, I have been serving people from across the globe. I have designed many yoga programs for corporate employees to deal with stress and related issues, including Kids Yoga, Pregnancy Yoga, and Health care programs.
I have conducted programs for over 30 organizations, including many Public Sector and MNCs, namely, NTPC, NHPC, BHEL, Indian Oil Corporation, Cairn Energy, Sentiss Pharma, Glaxo Smithkline, American Embassy, Embassy of Belgium, Taj Hotels, Godfrey Phillips India, Territorial Army, Everest Foundation, Export-Import Bank of United States. I have trained and empowered their employees, chief executives, Directors, Chairpersons.
I help leading sports people, industrialists, bureaucrats, film stars, politicians, etc., to lead a stress-free and peaceful life with my yoga and stress management programs.
I am the author of many ebooks. I have featured in Headlines Today, Channel 7, The Week, Hindustan Times, Uday India, etc.
Read MoreEbooks

Yoga Asanas

Our Clients

Our Distinguished Students

Mr. P Shankar
Ex-Chief Vigilance Commissioner (CVC) of India

Mr. Pratush Sinha
Ex-CVC India

Mr. MS Ramchandran
Ex-Chairman Indian Oil Corporation

Sardar Milkha Singh
Sports Personnel

Mr. Jeev Milkha Singh
Top most Professional Golfer of India

Sardar R.S. Bhatti
Current Director General Bihar Police

Mr. Anil Bhalla
Chairman and Founder Vatika Group

Mr. Sri Rajan
Ex-Chairman of Bain and Company in India

Mr. Sanjeev Aggarwal
Founder & Senior Managing Director Helion Ventures

Actress Sonam Kapoor
In the Movie Aisha
- The Secrets of Meditation Revealed.
- Ultimate Food Guide as per Yoga and Ayurveda.
- Fundamentals of Ayurveda.
- How to Reverse Ageing through Breathing Practices.
- Beware of Dangers in Yoga Practices.
- No Substitute-Yoga is Ultimate.
- How often one should practice Yoga.
- Why is relaxation so important while practicing Yogasanas.
Internationally Acclaimed Yoga and Meditation Expert, Health Coach
Conducted 300+ Stress Management workshops, Healthy Living programs, and Yoga and Meditation sessions for several corporates, MNC’s, their Chairman, Directors, Top-level Executives, and Territorial Army personnel.
Spirituo – Pyschocounseling
It is my firm belief that Spirituo-psychotherapy/counseling is much more effective than Freudian, Jungian, or modern psychotherapy.Healed and guided thousands of people managing mental, emotional, and psychological issues such as Anxiety, Panic Attacks, Stress-related problems, Depression and Sleep issues, etc.
Holds a degree in Psychotherapy and Counselling, Business Administration, Journalism, and Mass Communication, and Sciences. I have a Yoga Certification from many institutes, including the prestigious Bihar School of Yoga. I am also a Naturopath and a Certified Yoga Professional by the Quality Council of India(QCI) and the Ministry of AYUSH department, Government of India.
- But the above are just designations we tie on people to make sense of them.
- I want to manifest the real me and the true motive of what I do on this page.
I feel that everyone should experience the peace and bliss that comes when you dive deep withinyourself, summoning all the positive energy, harnessing, and acquiring the spiritual power thatcomes from the practice of yoga and meditation.
The World can be a better place when we can balance personal and professional life. We human species can do miraculous thingsthan any other species on planet earth.There is nothing impossible for us to think, analyze, create, and breakthrough challenges.
Many people out there in the World are brawling to stay happy despite having a decent job, education, family, friends, wealth, and whatnot. The absence of "Mental Peace" can demolish everything you have. It is said, “First Happiness is having a healthy body, and that leads to a healthy mind."
Anandabodh was born.
Anandabodh the edge of a holistic spiritual and well-being school. Anandabodh is made up of two words, "Ananda" and "Bodh"Ananda means Bliss, sustained happiness, and Bodh means experience, knowledge, perception, so the meaning of Anandabodh is experiencing or attaining everlasting bliss and peace.
My Teachings, Yoga Programs, Meditation Session,My Stress Management Workshops, Personal Guidance, are all in the ministration of the goal to heal, empower, and transform people to experience. Mental Peace and Bliss in their life and attaining Self-growth and Spiritual fulfillment is the prime objective that we are here.
Moving forward, I would like to share my experiences and key highlights that sculptured me as the person that I'm today. I wish my goal motivates you to chase yours.

“Sit quietly! Look within! Connect to your real self, and experience true bliss!”

“Unless we work on our mind, we remain as a slave of the mind.”
Yoga, My First Love
I grew up in a spiritual environment, as my father was a spiritual person. He had a big quest for spiritual learnings and always expressed that only meditation can change a person's inner nature and has the power to heal all the problems and can help acquire balance in life. From my early days of childhood, I love to read health magazines, yoga books from my house library and use to practice yoga and meditation along with my parents. I have a faint memory of when I was six years old, my father made me sit in Meditation one day, and I stayed in that state for 3-4 hours.
In 1983,At a very early age, I metSwami Satyananda Saraswati for the first time. He cameforthe inauguration of a yoga center in my hometown and held a 3days yoga workshop that I attended along with my parents. For the first time, I experienced something new that I had never felt in my regular meditation and yoga practice. I still remember my first Yoga Nidra practice, which I had with Swami Satyananda during that workshop. That perhaps was the seed that was sown to my sub-conscious mind then, which got germinated and taken a tree shape. I started learning and practicing yoga following the Bihar School of Yoga tradition. I was in and out into the Ashram for a short course and programs alongside managing my regular education.
I kept on practicing my yoga and meditation with my regular life. I used to help and heal my friends and people around me who were facing any general health problem, stress-related problem, work-related problem, personal life issues, family issues, etc. I always felt contentment when I would solve people’s issuesthrough yoga, meditation, and counseling.
My Corporate Life, Which Never Symbolizes Me
In 1997 after my MBA, I started to work for an organization where I was in the designation of Sales Manager handling with all distributors from Maharashtra, Madhya Pradesh, and Chattisgarh. I had decent pay and the right work environment, but I could not feel the connection or satisfaction in what I was doing. As part of my job, I had to attend late-night parties whenever I visit for work. I neither was interested in taking part in the parties nor happy with the job, as I couldn't maintain my balance with work and personal sadhana.
While I was in Madhya Pradesh for work, I fell sick all of a sudden, and no one close to me was around to take care of me. I was away from home, missing my parents. It was the peak month of summer. I was all alone, feeling low, a couple of weeks had passed by, but my ill-health didn't get any better. Back then, there were only telephonic booths here and there to communicate. While I was returning to the office after I made a phone call to my parents, I found a library and pulled out some spiritual books, which brought me to a normal, uplifted state.
That was the day I came up with a decision, thinking that it was not the life I wanted ever to pursue. I gathered all the courage and went straight to my Head Office in Delhi to submit my resignation letter and took a pledge that I would never work for anybody in my life.
Back To The Roots
After stepping down from my corporate job, In the year 2002, I went back to Bihar School of Yoga to pursue a Certificate Course in Yogic Studies. At the end of the course, I had a final examination. I became one of the toppers amongst 60 students from all across the globe. My Guru Swami Niranjanananda Saraswati had glanced through my mark sheet and final certificate and blessed me during the certificate distribution ceremony, which was a great moment for me to cherish for my whole life. He guided me to do something in yoga, and as it would be good for my health, happiness, personal-spiritual growth, and good for society as a whole.
There was no significant recognition for Yoga professionals and teachers in those days. My parents weren't much happy about me becoming a yoga teacher. I begged them a few years to prove myself and decided to move forward with my decision. I believe It was my good karma and the spiritual energy in me which drove me back to my roots, which eventuallyled to the attainment of satisfaction, contentment, peace, and bliss in my life.
Amidst all the challenges, difficulty, and hurdles that life throw on to you, I followed my heart and soul, flew in the direction it drove me.

“Yoga is the golden key that unlocks the door to peace, tranquility, joy, and bliss.”

“Yoga adds years to your life and life to your years.”
My Service In Personal Life Transformation
In 2002 Jan, I was invited by Indian Oil Corporation to their Oil Refinery in Barauni,to conduct few Yoga and Meditation sessions for their employees. Honestly, it was my first formal yoga session for a group of 45-50 people. I never had any idea that I would get such an opportunity, which was a huge number for me as I was starting. I was a bit nervous about how the session would go as I had never done a group session before, and guess what? My session went fabulous. All the employees admired it. They felt somebody experienced had come to take their session.
As it continued, I started to take more sessions for the employees, take up private sessions for the General Manager and Executive Director. The General Manager was delighted with the value I was imparting to their executives and staff andoffered me to stay back and design a Yoga and Stress Management program for their executives.
I was assigned to an IT team of experts to help with the technical stuff and prepare presentations for the program. After 3 months of hard work and patience, I launched my programs in May 2002 for the executives. Even though the top people of the organization loved my work, it wasn't a simple cakewalk for me as there were people around me saying that not even a fly will join your program.
But I had faith in myself and never lost my confidence after the launch of my first program. Guess what, the same people who told me no one would join my program were flattered with the session, and one of them went to the Ashram, joined a short-term course, and came back as a part-time yoga instructor.
I launched several programs for their employees after another, including programs for Senior Executives, Graduate Apprentice Engineers, and middle and lower-level employees. I continued to take private sessions for General Managerand top-level executives. I had been there for almost a year and a half at Indian Oil Barauni Refinery and empowered the lives of thousands of people.
Everything was going well, but I wanted to serve more people and left the refinery in July 2003 came back to Delhi. Within a week, I got several opportunities to conduct yoga and meditation classes. Then, Mr.MS Ramachandran, Chairman of Indian Oil Corporation, invited me to design various yoga and stress management programs for corporate employees. He had seen my work and was highly impressed as he had experienced a private yoga session with me during one of his visits to Barauni Oil refinery.
In 2004 I launched short - and long-term corporate yoga, Stress Management, Workplace wellness, and Therapeutic Yoga programs in Delhi-NCRfor Indian Oil Corporation and several other organizations later on. By the end of the year 2016, we could touch, heal, and empowered around ten thousand people in Indian Oil Corporation alone through my short-term and long-term programs.
It was the golden phase of my life. Serving humanity, healing, and empowering people was always my interest and passion that gave me immense satisfaction and joy I needed in life. I have offered my services to close to 30 Organizations, including many Public Sector organizations, MNC’s and Private organizations namely, NTPC, NHPC, BHEL, Indian Oil Corporation, Cairn Energy, Sentiss Pharma, Glaxo Smithkline, American Embassy, Embassy of Belgium, Taj Hotels, Godfrey Phillips India, Territorial Army, Everest Foundation, Export-Import Bank of United States, International Finance Corporation (IFC), International Management Institute (IMI). For about two-decade, I have trained and empowered the lives of thousands of employees across the organizations.

"Meditation can heal all your problems and wounds of your life, don't wait to start!"

“Yoga is not a workout it’s a work in.”
Slipped Disc Cure Through Yoga
I healed and guided 1000 plus people suffering from Spinal related issues such as Slipped disc, Sciatica, Back Pain and Cervical spondylitis, etc.
I guided and helped then Chief Vigilance Commissioner (CVC) of India, P. Shankar, in 2004-05, to cure his Slipped Disc problem. I have healed and helped people from around the World who had been suffering from various issues through online sessions since 2014.
Jeev Milkha Singha (Indian Professional Golfer) was my student since 2008. In 2011 he suffered from a slipped disc after a fall in Japan. After undergoing a therapeutic yoga session for about a couple of months, he got back to normal.
Connecting And Healing People Around The World
In 2010 I imparted training to one of the famous Bollywood actresses Sonam Kapoor in the movie AISHA and was part of the film.
With my immense expertise in therapeutic yoga, I conducted over 30,000 private therapy sessions and consultations for my students, some of whom are leading business leaders.
I helped several leading Sportspersons, Industrialists, CEOs, Billionaires, Bureaucrats, Film Stars to lead a pure, happy, balanced, rich life and better cope with stress, physical, mental, and emotional issues.
With my student and followers around the World, I organize online yoga sessions, mediation courses, healing sessions, spirituo-psychotherapy sessions, etc. I feel blessed and happy to serve more people; it gives me immense joy and contentment.
I conduct Therapy Yoga Teachers Training courses (TYTTC) for International Yoga Teachers.
I featured in Headlines Today, Channel 7, The Week, Hindustan Times, Uday India.

“Quinten the mind, and the soul will speak.”
Let's Make The Impossible Happen Together
If my life journey inspires you, would you like to be a part of my journey?
My life puts me on balance and experiences the edge of Healthy, Happy, Spiritual, and Holistic Living.
You can follow me on social media platforms, get healed and attain complete health, and go deeper within and experience happiness, peace, and bliss in your life, join my online sessions, enroll in digital courses, read my eBooks!!!